
Our goal is to provide you the service, the entertainment, the technology, and most importantly, the controls to allow you to easily enjoy your living environment to the utmost.

Services - Security


Electronic Solutions of Greenville offers state-of-the-art security alarm solutions to keep you protected and comfortable 24/7. Our security services, powered by, monitors intrusions, smoke & fire, carbon monoxide, temperature variations and water leaks, all with a full home control and security system. With the use of your mobile device, access the web portal and web-enabled devices for remote access and control of your home wherever you may be.

More than sounding simple alarms and contacting appropriate authorities, this high-tech security system does so much more: light exit paths when the fire alarm sounds, automatically receive a call at work when your child arrives home, make a vacant home appear occupied, and change your home settings from a remote location with the use of your mobile device.


Call Us: 252-848-4440

Winterville, North Carolina 28590